
Board Of Directors

Composition of the Board

Directors are appointed through the general meeting of shareholders. Candidates for director positions are selected by the Board of Directors and submitted as agenda items at the general meeting of shareholders.
In selecting directors, the company ensures compliance with the qualifications required by relevant laws and the Articles of Association. Inside directors are chosen based on their expertise in industry, technology, and leadership. Outside directors are selected for their deep understanding of the electronics industry and their professional experience in IT, economics, finance, technology, accounting, law, and management. They are independent of the company and major shareholders, allowing them to oversee the management of the Board and the company.

The Board of Directors resolves matters prescribed by law or the Articles of Association, matters delegated by the general meeting of shareholders, basic management policies, and key issues related to business execution. It also supervises the execution of duties by directors.

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이사회의 구성
Category Position Name Responsibilities Appointment Date Term Remarks
Inside Directors CEO/Chairman Hwang Chul-Joo Overall management 2022.03.29 3 years Reappointment
Outside Directors Outside Directors Shin Sung-Chul Management advisory 2022.03.29 3 years Newly appointed
Outside Directors Outside Directors Cho Hyun Management advisory 2023.03.29 3 years Newly appointed
Outside Directors Outside Directors Suk Young-Chul Management advisory 2023.03.29 3 years Newly appointed
Outside Directors Outside Directors Kwon Pyung-Oh Management advisory 2024.10.08 3 years Newly appointed

On March 29, 2023, at the 28th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Cho Hyun and Suk Young-Chul were newly appointed as outside directors.

On October 8, 2024, at the 30th Special General Meeting of Shareholders, Kwon Pyung-Oh was newly appointed as an outside director.

Board Activities

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이사회 운영현황
Meeting Sequence Meeting Dates Agenda Items Approval Status Attendance by Inside Directors Attendance by Outside Directors
Hwang Chul-Joo (Attendance Rate: 100%) Kwon Gi-Chung (Attendance Rate: 100%) Cho Dong-Il (Attendance Rate: 100%) Shin Sung-Chul (Attendance Rate: 100%)
1st 2023.02.22 Report on FY2022 (28th term) tentative performance Approved Present (Approved) Present (Approved) Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
1st 2023.02.22 Approval of cash dividends and treasury stock acquisition trust contract Approved Present (Approved) Present (Approved) Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
1st 2023.02.22 Decision to convene the 28th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and its agenda items Approved Present (Approved) Present (Approved) Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
2nd 2023.03.29 Appointment of members to the Management Committee Approved Present (Approved) - Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
3rd 2023.04.26 Report on FY2023 (29th term) Q1 tentative performance Approved Present (Approved) - Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
4th 2023.06.13 Investment in tangible assets Approved Present (Approved) - Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
5th 2023.08.02 Report on FY2023 (29th term) half-year tentative performance Approved Present (Approved) - Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
5th 2023.08.02 Establishment of a new venture capital (VC) corporation Approved Present (Approved) - Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
6th 2023.11.06 Report on FY2023 (29th term) Q3 tentative performance Approved Present (Approved) - Present (Approved) Present (Approved)
6th 2023.11.06 Amendment to the Board's operating regulations Approved Present (Approved) - Present (Approved) Present (Approved)

On March 29, 2023, under Article 383 of the Commercial Act, Article 34 of its Enforcement Decree, and Article 30 of the company’s Articles of Association, the term of Kwon Gi-Chung, an outside director, expired.

Committee Structure within the Board

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Committee Structure within the Board
Committee Name Number of Participating Directors Key Functions Remarks
Inside Director (Full-time) Outside Directors
Management Committee 1 1 Discussion, review, and resolution of delegated matters, items referred by the Board, and other major management issues of the company -
Outside Director Nomination Committee 1 3 Nomination and appointment of outside director candidates, management of candidate pool, submission of agenda items to the general meeting of shareholders, and review of other necessary matters related to outside director recommendations -

On March 29, 2023, at a special Board meeting, Inside Director Hwang Chul-Joo was reappointed as Chair of the Management Committee, and Outside Director Suk Young-Chul was newly appointed as a member of the Management Committee.

On March 28, 2024, through a special Board resolution, the Outside Director Nomination Committee was established and is currently in operation.

Management Committee Activities

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경영위원회 운영현황
Meeting Sequence Meeting Dates Agenda Items Approval Status Remarks
1st 2023.01.04 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
2nd 2023.01.18 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
2nd 2023.01.18 Issuance of advance payment guarantees Approved -
2nd 2023.01.18 Payment of success fees to agents Approved -
3rd 2023.02.08 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
4th 2023.02.15 Proactive measures for the production of semiconductor equipment for domestic markets Approved -
4th 2023.02.15 Proactive measures for the production of spare equipment Approved -
4th 2023.02.15 Approval of JDA agreements Approved -
4th 2023.02.15 Reporting on safety and health management plans Approved -
4th 2023.02.15 Extension of loan terms Approved -
5th 2023.03.23 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
5th 2023.03.23 Proactive measures for the production of display equipment for domestic markets Approved -
5th 2023.03.23 Issuance of advance payment guarantees Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Allocation of additional project budgets Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Proactive measures for the production of semiconductor equipment for overseas markets Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Acquisition of tangible assets Approved -
6th 2023.04.11 Purchase of real estate Approved -
7th 2023.04.19 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
7th 2023.04.19 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
8th 2023.05.03 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
8th 2023.05.03 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
9th 2023.05.10 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
9th 2023.05.10 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
10th 2023.05.31 Approval of JDA agreements Approved -
10th 2023.05.31 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
10th 2023.05.31 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
11th 2023.06.13 Proactive measures for the production of semiconductor equipment for domestic markets Approved -
11th 2023.06.13 Allocation of additional project budgets Approved -
11th 2023.06.13 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
11th 2023.06.13 Extension of NDA periods Approved -
11th 2023.06.13 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
11th 2023.06.13 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
12th 2023.07.14 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
13th 2023.07.25 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
13th 2023.07.25 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
13th 2023.07.25 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
13th 2023.07.25 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
13th 2023.07.25 Introduction of insider transaction notification services Approved -
13th 2023.07.25 Introduction of insider transaction notification services Approved -
13th 2023.07.25 Acquisition of tangible assets Approved -
14th 2023.07.26 Decision on equipment supply terms Approved -
15th 2023.08.02 Execution of equipment sales contracts Approved -
16th 2023.09.07 Execution of equipment sales contracts Approved -
16th 2023.09.07 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
16th 2023.09.07 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
16th 2023.09.07 Proactive measures for the modification of semiconductor equipment for overseas markets Approved -
17th 2023.09.14 Allocation of additional project budgets Approved -
18th 2023.09.27 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
18th 2023.09.27 Execution of equipment sales contracts Approved -
19th 2023.10.23 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
19th 2023.10.23 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
20th 2023.11.09 Proactive measures for the production of semiconductor equipment for overseas markets Approved -
20th 2023.11.09 Approval of JDA agreements Approved -
21th 2023.11.27 Proactive measures for the modification of semiconductor equipment for domestic markets Approved -
21th 2023.11.27 Proactive measures for the production of display equipment for domestic markets Approved -
21th 2023.11.27 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
22th 2023.12.20 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
22th 2023.12.20 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
22th 2023.12.20 Allocation of additional project budgets Approved -
22th 2023.12.20 Extension of credit maturity Approved -
22th 2023.12.20 Extension of expatriate terms Approved -
22th 2023.12.20 Improvement of HR systems Approved -
23rd 2023.12.27 Approval of NDA agreements Approved -
23rd 2023.12.27 Acquisition of tangible assets Approved -

Executive Compensation

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(Unit: KRW million)

임원의 보수 현황
Category Number of Individuals Total Compensation Average Compensation
Per Person
Registered Directors (excluding Outside Directors and Audit Committee Members) 1 3,747 3,747 -

Outside Directors (excluding Audit Committee Members) 5 205 41 Includes compensation for Kwon Gi-Chung, whose term
as an Outside Director expired on March 29, 2023
Audit Committee Members - - - -
Auditors 2 125 62 compensation for Lee Young-Jin,
a full-time Auditor who resigned on April 3, 2023

This compensation data is as of December 31, 2023.