
Audit Organization

Full-Time Auditor Information

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Category Name Key Functions Remarks
Full-Time Auditor Geum Ki-Hyun Inspection of accounting books and documents as prescribed by the Commercial Act and the Articles of Association, and thorough review of financial statements and their accompanying schedules

As of the end of the current fiscal year, the company has one full-time auditor. The company is not subject to the requirements for establishing an Audit Committee (companies with assets of 2 trillion KRW or more) and therefore has not constituted a separate Audit Committee.

External Auditor Information

(Most recent fiscal year)

Fiscal Year Auditor Audit Opinion Audit Report Notes
2023 Ernst & Young Korea Unqualified None
2022 Deloitte Anjin LLC Unqualified None
2021 Deloitte Anjin LLC Unqualified None

The annual financial statements reflect the opinions of the external auditors, while quarterly and half-year financial statements are subject to external auditors’ review opinions.

Internal Accounting Management System